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Brain Balance Center of Wexford Allegheny County


At Brain Balance Center of Wexford, we understand the pain and frustration of watching your child struggle with learning or behavioral issues.
Here, and at our centers around the country, we have helped thousands of kids overcome their challenges.
Our groundbreaking program provides lasting results because we don’t simply work with a child’s strengths or compensate for a weakness, we tackle the root cause of the issue.


The Brain Balance Program has a plan for children with Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Asperger Syndrome, Dyslexia and other learning disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders, as well as behavioral issues such as Leaky Gut and anxiety.
Take the first step! Bring your child in for a personalized assessment to help identify the root cause behind their specific challenges.
After your child completes their assessment, Brain Balance Achievement Center of Wexford will develop a plan customized just for them!
Through a combination of in-center sensory-motor training and academic sessions, at-home activities and dietary guidelines, your child will build the confidence to succeed.
Contact Brain Balance Achievement Center of Wexford to learn more about our program or to take the first step and schedule an assessment.

Service Area

Allegheny County
Armstrong County
Beaver County
Butler County
Fayette County
Greene County
Indiana County
Lawrence County
Washington County
Westmoreland County
ADHD, ADD Attention Issues, County
Autism County
Brain - Injury, Executive functioning, development, videos etc. County
Children's Services County
Disabilities County
Intellectual Developmental Disabilities, Fragile X County
Provider County
Special Needs County


10672 Perry Highway
Wexford, PA, 15090

