Transition Checklist 7th grade and up from The PEAL Center
Planning for the Future Transition Checklist
The checklist is intended as a resource for students (with support from their families, schools, and supporting agency professionals) to review and help provide information and suggestions to guide the transition process for students with disabilities, grades 7 – 12, (ages 14 up to 22nd birthday).
The checklist, while designed for students receiving special education services under IDEA (2004), may also be useful for any student with a disability.
Every student is different and should have their own individualized transition plan.
Use any sections, suggestions, or references needed.
The checklist can be helpful in identifying IEP yearly and post-school goals, objectives, activities, related services, areas in need of assessment/exploration to assist in planning for life after high school.
The checklist may be kept as part of the student’s file and with families to review and record goals, assessments, activities, services, and resources.
With the PDF version, there is unlimited space for notes, questions, and comments for future planning.