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Health Choices Mental Health/Drug and Alcohol Services

HealthChoices Managed Care

Mental health and drug and alcohol services provided via the HealthChoices program differ from the physical health component of the HealthChoices program.

For mental health and drug and alcohol services, each county contracts with a Managed Care Organization (MCO).

Once you are enrolled with the MCO, you continue to have choices as to who provides your services.

The MCO will send you a handbook outlining how to access services and outlining the benefits available to you. If a practitioner is a HealthChoices participating provider, and is accepting new clients, you have the right to see that doctor.


If you are eligible for services under the Fee-For-Service program, you will receive a list of Medical Assistance behavioral health providers within your county.

Once you find a provider you would like to see, you can make an appointment if the provider is seeing new clients.

If you have problems making an appointment, your local county caseworker in the County Assistance Office, or your caseworker from the county Mental Health/Intellectual Disability (MH/ID) office will assist you.

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