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Military Families

We are committed to providing essential support to military families. Our Military Family Services program offers a wide range of resources, including help dealing with PTSD and TBI, support for drug and alcohol addiction, and resources to address the unique challenges faced by military families. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those who have served our country and their families.

Military Family Photo

Addtional Resources

Finances and Deployment Military
Hints for Medical Issues and Appointments
15 Tips for Helping Your Teenager Deal With the Difficulties of Deployment Military
Free Help for Homeless Veterans
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One Military
Mental Health Services US Veterans Affairs
Military Deployment and the Phases of Deployment
Military Family Readiness System Deployment and More
Overview Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Parenting Deployment and US Military
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury TBI
Resources for Military Families and Veterans
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