Mental Health OMHSAS
Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Our Mission and Vision:
Every individual served by the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service system will have the opportunity for growth, recovery and inclusion in their community, have access to culturally competent services and supports of their choice, and enjoy a quality of life that includes family members and friends.
Our Goals:
Transform the children’s behavioral health system to a system that is family driven and youth driven.
Implement services and policies to support recovery and resiliency in the adult behavioral health system
Assure that behavioral health services and supports recognize and accommodate the unique needs of older adults.
Our Guiding Principles:
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service System will provide quality services and supports that:
Facilitate recovery for adults and resiliency for children;
Are responsive to individuals’ unique strengths and needs throughout their lives;
Focus on prevention and early intervention;
Recognize, respect and accommodate differences as they relate to culture/ethnicity/race, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation;
Ensure individual human rights and eliminate discrimination and stigma;
Are provided in a comprehensive array by unifying programs and funding that build on natural and community supports unique to each individual and family;
Are developed, monitored and evaluated in partnership with consumers, families and advocates;
Represent collaboration with other agencies and service systems.