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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

At PA Families Inc., we understand the challenges of living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). That's why we offer a range of support services that provide education, training, and a sense of community for families affected by this condition. The Pacarepartnership program provides valuable resources to parents and caregivers, while our Parent Support Group and Collaborative Support Group Calendar help to connect families. The Center for Excellence in FASD Education teaches skills for parents and teachers alike, ensuring the best possible care for those affected by FASD.

Doctor Paediatrician eExamining Baby in Clinic

Addtional Resources

FASD Media Toolkit & Resources
FASD UNITED (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) National Org.
Strategies for Improving Outcomes FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
FASD & Mental Health Dan Dobovsky VIDEO
Families Moving Forward Program
FASD Intervention, Training & Research
Notes From the Navigator. FASD quarterly newsletter to provide caregivers with tips and resources
Rewards and Consequences FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
"Myth busting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders" Podcast
Addiction Substance Abuse Mental Health What to do!
Alcohol and brain structure across the lifespan
CDC Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD
CDC Releases Annual Update to the Disability and Health Data System 2022
CDC Releases New Video; Obtaining Prenatal Alcohol History in a Pediatric Setting
Common Strengths of Students with FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
Comparing ODD, ADHD, and FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
FASD Studies Birth Defects & Costs
FASD Finding Help in PA; Who are you going to call?
FASD United Family Navigator Postcard Contact Info for Help!
FASD United Monthly Policy Forum Meetings
FASD and Sleep Disturbances Predict Anxiety Article
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Bending the Trajectory
National Center for Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
Fostering Interdependence FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
Functional Domains Affected By FASD: Growing Independence Of Motor Skills And Intelligence With Increasing Developmental Age
Mental Health Disorders and FASD Dan Dubovsky VIDEO
NIAAA Research: FASD in Preschool-aged Children and Early Life Factors
NIH FASD Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Linked to Long-term Impacts on Brain Development
PA State Medical Insurance Enrollment 
PENNSYLVANIA Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) TASK FORCE
Prenatal Substance Exposure Workshop for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parents
Teachers' needs for an FASD-informed resource:
The Adoption & Foster Care Journey Podcasts on FASD
The Approach with FASD VIDEO Dan Dubovsky
The FASD United Weekly Roundup Email Newsletter
The State Correctional Institution at Albion SCI Albion
Erie County Special Needs Population
Trying Differently Rather Than Harder from FASCETS
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